Welcome to my course!

Welcome to the Green First! Academy and our new course! This course was inspired by messages sent to workers on a company messaging app. Every single entry was meant as a training bit for new and experienced workers.

Then I got the idea that more people could benefit from these lessons because they came-literally!- from the field. It's like having Red Seal Vas next to you, teaching and guiding you.

Some of the lessons are short and easy, some are more personal and many are perennial. Meaning, some of the lessons must be repeated over and over because people love killing trees with mulch volcanoes. And many landscapers still think that they have the right of way around trees; they don't! This course will show you why that's important.

While I'm excited about the launch of our second course, I'm already working on 35 new lessons, some are so fresh, they happened last week!

Enjoy the course! Leave me comments. Be great!

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