35 landscape lessons from the field
Your Instructor
Welcome to Green First! Academy. Now that I'm in my 25th landscape industry season, it's time to share some of my knowledge. The first course on Lawn Care Mastery covers mistakes workers and homeowners make over and over, season after season. Some critical mistakes such as conflicts between trees and lawn care machines aren't even discussed anywhere. Now, landscapers and homeowners can learn from other people's mistakes by completing my course.
I started landscaping in 2000 in British Columbia, Canada; and I went straight to the top from day one by apprenticing at a sweatshop corporation. It wasn't easy but the training was excellent. Since then I've changed companies just three times, improving with each step.
Today, I work as a landscape manager and I'm fully certified: University of Saskatchewan B.Sc. in physical sciences, Red Seal Landscape Horticulturist, ISA certified arborist, Certified Landscape Horticulturist Technician, including Certified Lawn Care technician. I also run a part-time landscape company Green First! Landscaping and I'm a professional blogger.
Come check out my academy courses and turn into a green professional quicker. You might even have some fun. I'm open to feedback, too and questions. Course number two on field lessons is coming soon!
Enjoy Green First! Academy.
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome to my course!
StartShaft killers
StartWalkway obstruction
StartRhododendron pruning
StartThe ultimate sin
StartMowers in tree wells
StartLine crossing
StartTime your pruning correctly
StartOn the importance of plant ID
StartNever power shear trees!
StartPlanting in lawns
StartHow to take pictures in the field
StartTrophy weeds
StartRespect frost!
StartTree planting
StartDon't top trees!
StartUse proper tools
StartOrnamental grasses
StartSnow loads
StartTree girdling
StartDeep edges
StartSilent killer
StartColchicum surprise!
StartRhododendron renovation rule
StartLawn creep
StartDon't sweat dog waste
StartFertilizing shrubs
StartMicro-management horror
StartDon't stop learning!